find a roommate in new york city

Find a roommate in New York City

Roommates NYC provides roommate listings for all five boroughs of New York City. The site will continue to develop to help you narrow those search results down even further - helping you find exactly what you're looking for in a roommmate.

Be sure to also include Roomster and Homestay in your search!

Roommate Listings by NYC borough

Browse active roommate listings for:

Seeking furnished? Check our list of furnished rooms in NYC.

More affordable rooms for rent in NYC

Browse more affordable NYC rooms for rent, based on price:

Niche Roommate Listings for NYC

A bit more picky in the type of roommate you want to live with? We're compiling a list of roommate listings that are a more specific in the types of people they are looking to live with.

NYC Student Roommate Listings

If you're attending college in New York City no doubt you'll want to live with other students - or at least close to campus. If residence is not an option, these student roommate listings are a great starting point.

More Roommate Listing Sites

While we provide rental listings right here on this site, we also connect you with other roommate listing sites for New York City, including meetups where you meet people in person instead of browsing rental listings online.

Online Resources

Our Resources page links off to some rental rate information as well as a Roommate Questionnaire that may help you in your roommate search. There are also Neighborhood Safety maps to help you with your neighborhood selection.